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District Cabinet Secretary Message

Dear Lion Leaders,

Wishing you a very Happy, Meaningful, Successful and vibrant Lionistic year 2023-2024. Sincere Thanks to our worthy District Governor MJF Lion Vijay Bhandari for giving me an opportunity to serve our district as a District Cabinet Secretary for the L Y 2023-2024. Friends, Congratulations to all of you for being elected, selected or appointed to the coveted positions with responsibilities in your club / District Cabinet for L Y 2023 – 2024. We are confident that, with your knowledge, vision, dedication and devotion, you will strive hard to achieve your goals and further the causes of Lionism. To appreciate and suitably award your achievements an action planner "The Game Changer" is specifically framed with a set of guidelines & parameters for the efficient working of Club and given to you to study, plan, perform, implement and excel in all the contests in a true sportsman spirit. These contest rules for Administration and Activity have been designed keeping in mind ease in reporting as well as Performance based grading.

It is important that all the good work done for Club administration & activities should be reported timely in prescribed format. This will help us for a systematic assessment of the performance of Clubs and Cabinet officers. Friends, you are “The Game Changer”. This informative booklet will be a road map to achieve targets and when you act accordingly, you will take your club and our District to a newer height and you will be in forefront in District’s various contests for Administrations and Activities. These are the tools to help you work efficiently and fulfil your responsibilities.

I am confident that, with the help of “The Game Changer” & all other publications of our District, you will deliver the best and success will shower on you.

This is a year of “Changing the World” in Lionism and whatever foot prints we leave behind, will be a History written in letters of Gold for the years to come. We sincerely appeal all of you that, with the help and guidance of seniors from your club, your Zone & Region Chairperson, Cabinet Officers, Past District Governors and District Governor, achieve your desired goal and bring glory to your club along with our District and Lions International too. Sincere thanks to District CEO Lion Sham Khandelwal, Cabinet Treasurer Lion Rajendra Goyal and Teammates of District Secretariat for their valuable guidance and unparallel support for this book. Team District Secretariat is always with you in all your endeavours for bringing Glory to Lionism. Let’s Be the Change for Changing the World. Warm Regards,


Lion Ashokkumar Mistry

District Cabinet Secretary

L. Y. 2023-2024